America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies is a guide that features and ranks the “who’s who” of the nation’s top trust companies, helping them acquire new clients and gain assets under management.
America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies is already the industry’s most comprehensive resource for informing, educating and direct advisors toward our trust company partners.
What Sponsorship in the 2020 Edition of America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies Will Do for You
This includes:
Reach affluent clients: advisors in our network have wealthy clients, $1.75 million trust size among; averages trust fee starts at $6000 per year and up.
Have more influence: 56% say they will check our guide first before talking to their client.
Increase your odds of success: Advisors are 3 times as likely to build a relationship with a trustee if the firm is considered “advisor-friendly.”
Elevate your reputation: This guide is limited to 30 participants who are dedicated to be friendly to advisors—only the premier trust companies are invited.
And more... much more.
America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies has been heralded by experts as “the best trust guide ever created”... “stunningly comprehensive”... and “the most marketing profitable investment our firm has ever made.”
America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies Is Read By the Top 1% of Financial Advisors.
The average advisor in our audience manages roughly $146 million in client assets—more than 2x the industry standard. And 71% have not yet partnered with a single trust company and looking to form a new relationship.*
*Based on Wealth Advisor 2018 survey with readers

About Trust Companies and Our Growing Industry

Trust companies are simply organizations that offer a variety of investment, tax, and estate planning services for their clients. By definition, a trust company is a separate corporate entity owned by a bank or other financial institution, law firm, or independent partnership.
Trust companies manage trusts, trust funds, and estates for individuals, businesses, and other entities. A trust is an arrangement that allows a third party or “trustee” to hold assets or property for a beneficiary in the name of wealth preservation. They act in a fiduciary capacity for their clients.
This is quite a time to be a trust company. Industry revenue, composed primarily of capital gains on trusted assets and ordinary dividends, has seen substantial growth over the five years to 2019. The industry benefited from significant yields in equity and fixed income markets in addition to appreciation in house prices. Overall, revenue is expected to rise at an annualized rate of 5.0% to $196.8 billion—to the present year, 2019. There’s never been a better time to become a sponsor of this guide and participate in this booming industry.
About America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies
America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies has been the industry’s leading resource for 9 years, with a focus on helping trust companies looking to reach qualified advisors. It’s the ONLY source for a complete listing of trust firms that welcome RIAs, wealth managers & investment advisors.
Across the pages of this professional guide, readers will learn everything they need to know about how to gain quality trust services for their clients.
This includes topics like the most favorable trust states... capturing more assets and retaining clients longer... and ways to maximize the relationship in order to benefit all three parties: the trustee, advisor and trust company.
The average advisor in our audience manages roughly $146 million in client assets—more than 2x the industry standard. And 71% have not yet partnered with a single trust company and looking to form a new relationship.* Click here for expanded demographic information and many other key details about sponsorship.

America's Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2019 Edition
To browse the current edition and get a sense for how your placement in the new, expanded 2020 edition of America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies will look—click on the interactive, readable set of images above.

8 Reasons to Be Featured in America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2020:

Reason #1 - FURTHER BUILD TRUST. America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies is the industry’s most prestigious guide and only features the “who’s who” of trust companies who employ all models, including directed and delegated. When you’re included, many of the top financial professionals in the industry know you’re one of the best.
Reason #2 - DIFFERENTIATE YOURSELF. With so many trust companies, and competition increasing amongst banks and others offering solutions—America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies helps prospects know what you stand for. And why they should consider working with you.
Reason #3 - SHOWCASE YOUR FIRM’S STRENGTHS. With your 2020 sponsorship, you’ll receive a dedicated profile outlining your company’s history, leadership, contact information, offerings and more. It allows you to put your best foot forward and showcase your firm’s strengths.
Reason #4 - NEW RELATIONSHIPS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. Most advertising doesn’t generate new business—and you “hope” it builds your brand. But sponsorship in this guide is one of the most powerful forms of advertising, because top advisors continue to reference it throughout the year. This puts the spotlight on you, all year long.
Reason #5 - FEED YOUR SALES TEAM. With our optimized lead program, depending on your sponsorship level, you can have access to varying amount of fresh leads who download this guide and are actively looking for a new trust partner relationship.
Reason #6 - GET YOUR COMPANY ON AMAZON. In addition to reaching our expanded new audience of 260,000 financial professionals, your trust company will be showcased in our printed editions, available for the first time on-demand through Amazon.com, including Amazon Kindle. This is a whole new channel outside of our normal, on-site lead generation campaign we do for you.
Reason #7 - ATTRACT ADVISORS WHO ALIGN WITH YOUR MODEL. We know that there’s a world of difference in the way different trust companies operate, depending on your model and focus. This guide creates an opportunity for you to educate and attract advisors who fully believe in your approach and make the perfect partner.
Reason #8 - BOTTOM LINE: MORE LEADS AND REVENUE. As you can see when you click any button on this page, we have new sponsorship tiers that will determine how many leads you are guaranteed in 2020. Whatever level you choose, you’ll receive leads whose value (at standard industry rates) well exceeds your investment.
Ultimately, renewing or activating a new sponsorship is one of the best decisions you can make for your bottom line.

Our Current Sponsors
America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies features most of the top direct and delegated trust providers in the world today. Here are some of our current sponsors:

High Praise from Our Trust Sponsors
"We found America’s Advisor Friendly Trust Companies to be one of the best sources of new business for us. The lead delivery system is unlike any other business publication. We continue to receive fresh, high-quality leads each month, which saves us a fortune in marketing costs."
— Christopher Holtby, Wealth Advisors Trust Company
"America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies helped us bring in multiple relationships we would not have gotten otherwise."
— Colleen Smith, National Advisors Trust Company
"We’ve been introduced to many new account relationships thanks to our marketing alliance with The Wealth Advisor and their guides. Their ability to help us reach HNWIs is unparalleled."
— Gino Pascucci, Premier Trust Company

$2000 - Standard Sponsorship
- Inclusion in America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2020 (print and digital editions)
- Full editorial support to construct differentiated profile
- No qualified leads from report downloads
$3000 - Silver Sponsorship
- Inclusion in America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2020 (print and digital editions)
- Enhanced profile with headshot and industry statement
- Ranking among the top trust companies in America
- 3,000 qualified leads from report downloads
- Multiple lead delivery options
$5000 - Gold Sponsorship
- Inclusion in America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2020 (print and digital editions)
- Enhanced profile with headshot and industry statement
- 6,000 qualified leads from report downloads
- Multiple lead delivery options
- Full editorial support to construct differentiated profile
- Ranking among the top trust companies in America
- Emblem certifying that the sponsor is one of America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies 2020
- Your Choice: Profile to be included in AMERICA'S BEST TRUST COMPANIES FOR WEALTHY FAMILIES or THE RIA REDBOOK, a $5000 value alone.