In a groundbreaking development, the 2024 edition of "America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies" has announced a significant enhancement to its services through the integration of IBM's AI Watson. This innovative approach, combined with the inclusion of ten leading trust companies and a comprehensive network of 3500 estate planners, marks a transformative step in estate planning and wealth
Scott Martin, Managing Editor of Wealth Advisor Magazine and Editor of America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies, highlighted the impact of this collaboration:
"Integrating IBM Watson's advanced AI capabilities into our platform is a game-changer. It not only enriches our services but also aligns us with the future of estate planning. We're proud to offer this state-of-the-art technology to our network of advisors, trust companies and estate planners."
The ten trust companies featured in the 2024 edition, renowned for their expertise and advisor-friendly practices, are:
Alliance Trust Company
BOK Financial
Capital First Trust Company
Counsel Trust Company
Fiduciary Trust
JTC Trust Company
National Advisors Trust Company
Peak Trust Company
Prairie Trust
South Dakota Trust Company
Trust Company of America
The integration of IBM Watson enhances the platform's capabilities, providing:
- Data-Driven Partner Profiling: AI-driven insights into market trends and regulatory changes.
- Intelligent Estate Planning Matchmaking: Connecting financial advisors with the most suitable estate planning attorneys.
- Corporate Trustee Selection: Tailoring trustee selection to advisors’ and clients' needs.
- Personalized Advisory: Adapting responses to align with each advisor's specific requirements.
This collaboration with IBM Watson, coupled with access to an extensive network of 3500 estate planners, offers advisors an unprecedented level of support. The synergy between technology and expertise paves the way for advisors to deliver superior estate planning services.
The 2024 edition of America’s Most Advisor-Friendly Trust Companies, powered by IBM Watson, is more than a directory; it's a comprehensive tool redefining the estate planning landscape.