Envestnet Launches Modular Planning System For Advisors

Envestnet | MoneyGuide announced the launch of My Plan Builder, a new category of six blocks in its MyBlocksSM series that can serve as an on-ramp to planning for advisors and their clients.

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The new blocks within the category are named Your Goals, Retirement Income, Investment Assets, Other Assets, Loss Tolerance and Play Zone®.

"These six blocks make up My Plan Builder, which is accessible to advisors and their clients from inside of the MyBlocksSM universe," said Tony Leal, President of Envestnet | MoneyGuide. "The idea of a comprehensive financial plan can sometimes overwhelm clients, as there are many pieces to the puzzle. With My Plan Builder, we simplified the process of getting clients over the starting line. These engaging and easily digestible blocks ask for the basic info needed to help begin building a quality financial plan. They can then work with their advisor, who can take it over while leading clients to financial wellness."

Advisors who subscribe to MyBlocksSM can share this new offering with clients. To get started, only a minimum amount of information is needed, such as ideal retirement age and where a client aspires to live in retirement. Advisors can also use the data collected within these blocks to update existing financial plans in MoneyGuide, for those clients who already have one.

While there are six blocks in total, clients only need to fill out the first three – Your Goals, Investment Assets and Loss Tolerance – to give their advisors what they need. Clients view their financial plan results in the Play Zone Block, which focuses on the planning factors that they can control to help ensure their financial future.

For more information on My Plan Builder, interested parties can review a recorded webinar by signing up here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3651334496281092622


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