(Head Topics) - Life is a journey protected by policies. Jenni Hughes, a family law attorney at Church Church Hittle & Antrim, said a"It's two people negotiating and bargaining for how they want property to be treated in the event of death or divorce," Hughes said.
What is allowed in the contract depends on the state where you reside. For example, she described Indiana as a"one-pot state."at the time of divorce. "They're going to look at what assets, what liabilities, what property exists on the day somebody files for divorce, not necessarily what existed prior to marriage," Hughes said.
"Are you talking about some sort of emotional relationship? Are you talking about a physical relationship? Does somebody need to supply evidence of infidelity? And what does evidence mean to people?" Hughes said. headtopics.com
Hughes added that another item some people include is a sunset clause. That means the prenup fades after a certain number of years married. If you are considering an agreement, it is important to give the other person time to get their own representation. Short notice could result in short tempers. If you and your partner agree on most things, it could be a swift process. If you blindside your partner with paperwork, the revision costs could add up.
Source: WTHRcom
October 23, 2023