Matson: When The Weight Of Retirement Planning Slows Your Clients Down

(Matson Money) In 2000, psychologists Sheena Iyengar and Mark Lepper from Columbia and Stanford Universities published a study about jams. On a regular day at a local food market, people would find a display table with 24 different kinds of jams. Then on another day, at that same food market, people were given only six different types of jam choices.

Guess which display table led to more sales? Iyengar and Lepper found that while the big display table – with 24 jams – generated more interest, people were far less likely to purchase a jar of jam than in the case of the smaller display – about ten times less likely.

The study shows that while more options may seem appealing at first sight, choice overload can lead to inaction.

Some studies have found that when it comes to choosing a 401(k), some investors face similar obstacles. The average participant has access to nearly 18 options but only utilizes 3.5 investment funds. Iyengar, Huberman, and Jiang (2004) suggest that participants may suffer from “choice overload,” where complex investment menus discourage participation in the plan.  With market volatility and some retirement portfolios losing significantly over the past year, as an investor, do you have confidence in your investing strategy?

Retirement Readiness is Declining

When it comes to retirement readiness, it is estimated that the average person is only on track to have 78% of the income they will need in their post-work years.

The federal reserve conducted a study from January 2020 – May 2021 measuring the financial readiness of non-retired adults and retirees. Of the non-retired adults they surveyed, only 36% thought their saving was on track for a secure retirement. When that same non-retiree group was asked about their investment decisions, more than 6 in 10 with self-directed retirement savings said they had low levels of comfort when making investment decisions in their accounts. According to research, only 52% of eligible workers participate in a plan – are you participating in your employer’s retirement plan?

Retirement can be Expensive

Some retirement experts have recommended strategies such as saving 10 times your pre-retirement salary and planning on living on 80% of your pre-retirement annual income. However, what type of lifestyle are you looking forward to living in your retirement? For some retirees, every day in retirement can feel like the weekend and their spending habits can follow suit. Dan Ariely, a professor of behavioral economics at Duke University, conducted research that suggests that based on the desired lifestyle of retirees, the average person would need up to 130% of their final annual salary in retirement. With only 18% of workers feeling “very confident” they will live comfortably in retirement, how confident are you?

American Dream 401(k)

Many 401(k) plans provide an illusion of security – however, not all 401(k) plans are created equal. More often, what is sometimes believed to be investing may be merely speculating and gambling with your financial future. Take the time to understand what investing is and how it works so you can place yourself and your family in a position to achieve your American Dream. At Matson Money, we have created the American Dream 401(k), an investing strategy for retirement based on Nobel Prize-winning empirically tested academic investing principles that creates an opportunity for investors to have confidence in their long-term investing strategy.

Interested in Learning More?

Join us for a two-day investing seminar, the American Dream Experience, and be empowered to recapture, realize, and reclaim your American Dream.


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