The Most Successful Entrepreneurs Know How To Say "NO!"

A classic and repeated mistake of many business owners is not knowing how and when to say NO.

They are usually amazingly busy and at the same time almost habitually barraged by requests and demands. In running a successful company, there are usually non-stop demands on their time.

What is evident is that the most successful entrepreneurs are quite adept at saying NO!

According to the world-renowned personal development coach Steve Sims, author of Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen, “No is an extremely hard word. It’s a two-letter word that everyone has a hard time using correctly. Learning when and when not to use the word no has far-reaching implications that go beyond work to all aspects of a person’s life.”

Critical to learning to say NO! is being clear about the your goals. NO! is an essential tool to make sure that your plans and agenda do not get derailed.

“People must realize that the more they bring into their professional and personal lives the more they dilute what they’re doing,” says Sims. “It’s a simple fact that while humans can stretch and grow in remarkable ways, they shouldn’t stretch themselves to thin all at once.”

Keep in mind that the more successful you become, the more people will likely come to you with requests that only eat up your time and drain your resources.

So be prepared the more you achieve, the more you are probably going to have to say NO! Being able to say NO! might make you a bad person in someone else’s eyes, but all you can do is to explain why you need to say NO! Anything else can prove detrimental to your business endeavors.

For many entrepreneurs, learning to say NO! is something of an art form.

However, often with guidance and practice, it can be mastered.


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