(Orion) In order to build wealth, investors need to, quite simply, stay invested. To do the hard work of staying invested, clients need to be engaged and excited about what they’re investing in. It’s up to the advisor to deliver inspirational alpha through stories that resonate with them, that stimulate them, that make them feel part of something big, powerful, and—perhaps most importantly—positive.
Apple. Amazon. Netflix. Bitcoin. Imagine if you and your clients could travel back in time with today’s knowledge of these powerhouses—their pennies would have gone a long way.
While we may not own a time machine, our eBook on megatrends and thematic investing can help be the guiding light for your investors’ economic future. We break down how these long-term strategies can keep clients engaged while shifting their focus to what’s ahead, provide global merit, and make an impact now on tomorrow’s societal and environmental changes.
But with general investor sentiment edging toward cautious, even skittish, an advisor’s job becomes both more difficult and more critically important. To do the hard work of staying invested, clients need to be engaged and excited about what they’re investing in. It’s up to the advisor to deliver inspirational alpha through stories that resonate with them, that stimulate them, that make them feel part of something big, powerful, and—perhaps most importantly—positive.
Coming off a year like 2020, it’s easy to feel disheartened by the constant barrage of bad news, both in the market and across the world. But if advisors can empower their clients to be part of a future filled with solutions, progress, and hope, they’re on the right track to keeping them invested for the long-term.
That means providing them with an opportunity to economically participate in the long-term trends transforming the global economy. It means expanding the investment conversation from risk and return ratios to include powerful ideas revolutionizing the priorities of society, driving innovation, and redefining the way we live and work.
Learn more in our eBook, “Keep Clients Invested with Inspirational Alpha: A Conversation About the Power of Thematic Strategies.”