Warren: Parts of the Debt Ceiling Deal are ‘Really Bad’

(WNCT 9) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday decried multiple items included in the debt ceiling agreement struck by the White House and House Republicans as “really bad,” but said she has not decided how she’ll vote on the measure.

Warren told reporters in the Capitol that she has “real concerns” about portions of the bill related to work requirements, student debt repayments, climate change and taxes on the wealthy.

“Those things are bad. Really bad,” she said.

However, the Massachusetts progressive added that she has not decided how she’ll vote, saying she is continuing to review the proposal. 

Warren joins progressives in the House who have also expressed deep reservations about aspects of the bill, including work requirements and spending caps.

She also vented that President Biden “should never have been put in this position” and said Democrats should have hiked the debt ceiling in November when they were still in control of the House.

“I’m weighing it against the fact that the Republicans are hostage takers and they’re willing to blow up the economy and destroy our good name across the world, and the Democrats are called on once again to be the grown-ups in the room,” Warren said.

 “And the grown-ups in the room are the ones who have to make hard choices while the not-grown-ups keep having tantrums that hurt people across this country,” she added.



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