Ben Lee Contributor Mr. Lee hails from Houston by way of Shanxi. A longtime investment analyst and financial commentator before the 2008 crash, he has since concentrated on providing consultant services to clients in the securities and employer benefits industries.
Corporate Buyers Look More Closely at RIAs Following Tax Reforms Corporations now have far more incentive to acquire a registered investment advisory firm than in previous years.
RIA Merger and Acquisition Activity Decreased Alongside Fiduciary Rule Worries Mergers and acquisitions in the registered investment advisor space reached a record high in 2017 with a total of 153 transactions.
Liquid Alternative ETFs For Financial Advisors ETFs could deliver returns similar to traditional hedge funds at a fraction of the cost — by using hedge fund replication and liquid alternatives.
Avoid Investing for Hate Groups as They Take to Bitcoin, Law Professors Advise Working with hate groups can harm a firm's image, which can be almost as damaging as civil or criminal actions.
Make the Most of LinkedIn for Client Acquisition A study found that advisors must look beyond overused methods for prospecting like email, toward more engaging tools such as LinkedIn.