
How Direct Indexing Actually Works

Direct indexing is an investing strategy that involves purchasing the components of an index directly. The approach has typically been reserved for investors with sizable portfolios, such as institutions or high-net-worth individuals, but the introduction of zero-commission trading and fractional shares makes direct indexing accessible to more people these days.

Russell: 5 Ways Direct Indexing Beats "The Market"

Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds have served us well over the years. But as investors demand greater personalization in their portfolios, these commingled vehicles are coming up short. This is especially true for investors with complex tax situations, or those who want to build a portfolio that aligns with their values and specific circumstances.

NASDAQ: Behind The Direct Index Revolution

.Direct Indexing is not a new investment offering, having evolved from the managed accounts realm with its origins at the highest levels of HNW wealth and tax management. But it is now another example of the continuing democratization of investment opportunities for a larger range of investors.