Clark Capital: Stay Defensive In An Oversold World
Our Fixed Income Total Return and Global Tactical portfolios remain defensively positioned with 50% of the portfolios holding cash equivalents.
Our Fixed Income Total Return and Global Tactical portfolios remain defensively positioned with 50% of the portfolios holding cash equivalents.
Market participants too young to remember how vinyl records could sometimes scratch causing an endless loop are the ones whose sentiment worries us.
Our aim is to strike a balance between not overreacting to short-term events and incorporating new models around businesses that have been disrupted.
When you visit you’ll learn that it’s still possible to make clients money. Our list of Top Model Portfolios for 1Q22 is all you need.
Earnings guidance is just not convincing. Preservation of capital is currently our goal but will deploy the cash once the market starts trending up.
While the headline contraction in GDP was unexpected, some of the elements causing the decline are not necessarily strong negatives. Clarity is good.
Recessions have always been predated by inverted yield curves, but not all inversions have led to recessions . . . even when investors are nervous.