These so-called indexers want to have the benefits of active management while calling themselves indexers. It’s a “chicken-and-egg” kind of argument. Except, in this case, those of us who have been in the industry long enough recognize the repackaging of the original active management methodologies that came first.
Research says nine out of 10 financial advisors believe AI can help grow their book of business. Additionally, 83% believe AI will have a direct, measurable, and consistent impact on the client-advisor relationship in the next 18 months.
Nearly 70% of assets are managed under the Rep as Portfolio Manager structure, where advisors actively construct and make allocation decisions for client portfolios. If that's you, you owe it to yourself to make the process as efficient as possible.
Wealth planning is greater than simple money management. Knowing the difference between engaging with your clients and offering them an all-encompassing experience is a game changer, both for your firm and the people you serve.
Consistent prospecting isn't just a task on your to-do list; it's how you ensure a steady flow of connections to fuel your practice's growth. Here's how to do it.
The market is where bulls and bears fight it out. To be a winner, you need to be in the market. And if you have a plan that outperforms no matter which side is winning, you really can't ultimately lose. Your clients need to know this.