Succession planning is an important strategy for financial advisors, ensuring a smooth and secure transition" for their businesses in the future. It goes beyond simply passing the torch and creates a roadmap for continuity and client trust.
Many individuals think that live events are not successful the way they have been in the past, or that the options have been dramatically limited. The opposite is actually true.
Thirty-four percent of advisors recognized loss aversion tendencies among themselves, while 62% suggested this is the most prevalent bias they see in clients.
When financial markets experience turbulence, investors may find themselves grappling with stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, these emotions can lead to hasty decisions that may not align with long-term goals.
More and more clients are looking for simplicity and advice. The result is a significant gap between the current services offered and what clients are seeking and advisors having to justify their fees to retain clients.
They realized an 18.7% annualized production lift from existing advisors for the third quarter, indicating that advisors continued to grow organically and increase wallet share on the platform.
Most of you probably remember the traditional method of managing separate accounts for the same household. Every investment strategy or model existed as a separate account, with its own set of securities.