
SEI Enhances Personalized Investor Experience with Values Questionnaire and Reporting Solution

The VQ creates a Values Persona for an individual investor by identifying personality categories based on actions an individual considers in their daily life. The Values Persona helps advisors customize investment portfolios according to their client’s personal values. The impact report enables an advisor to differentiate their practice by utilizing transparent data and simple metrics to demonstrate how these custom portfolios align with a client’s or prospective client’s specific values.

GeoWealth: 4 Time-Wasting Mistakes That Limit Your Firm's Growth

While many registered investment advisors believe they are growing organically, it is essential to look beyond the surface and examine the underlying factors driving expansion of their business.Let’s examine some common pitfalls that RIAs can overcome to avoid stagnation and ignite growth.

UX Wealth: The Game (Theory) Is Afoot For Advisor Relationships

Game theory is proving to have an incredibly far-reaching potential impact on how we view relationships, and the systems within those relationships which lead to beneficial outcomes. When it comes to investing, relationships (between people, products, indexes, etc) and beneficial outcomes, cannot be overstated.