Absolute Capital: 10 Things You Should Know About Adding Money Management to Your Clients’ Workplace Retirement Accounts Pre-Rollover

Absolute Capital provides risk management solutions that enable clients to invest with confidence. Fully dedicated to providing professional asset management solutions, we believe that Absolute Capital is the astute investor’s choice for management services to navigate the changing and demanding investment landscape.

1. You don’t have to be “rep of record” on the plan. With Absolute Capital, you can add active management to your client’s 401(k), 403(b), 457 or 401(a) account on the individual account level. You do not have to work with the employer. You can offer this to your clients and prospects today.

2. Manage accounts while clients are still working. The assets stays in the plan. Same statements. Same custodian. Contributions continue as usual. Absolute Capital simply follows plan guidelines to add our management to the account. 

3. You earn recurring fee revenue now. As you incorporate this important asset into the overall financial plan you develop with your client, you will be earning fee revenue on this asset. You receive ongoing management data for the account.

4. It’s a solution for your clients’ largest asset. Are your clients giving their workplace retirement account the time and attention it deserves? Now is the time to take control of how it’s invested – by adding one of Absolute Capital’s professional allocation or protection strategies to their account. You and your client choose the strategy based on their risk tolerance and goals.

5. Fees come directly out of the account. Management fees are deducted quarterly directly from the account. Absolute Capital shares fees with the financial representative.

6. We do all the paperwork. Let Absolute Capital navigate the necessary paperwork for you. We prepare all necessary forms for client signature. This relieves your paperwork burden so you can focus on your clients. 

7. It’s easy to check plans for management. You can find out about any plan in the nation or request a list of employer plans in your area. Simply enter a request on Absolute Capital’s website or contact us by phone. Our experts can provide all the information you need.

8. It’s a multi-trillion dollar opportunity. There are trillions of dollars being saved in workplace retirement accounts. Opportunities among your clients and prospects is tremendous. Absolute Capital has unlocked the ability for us to partner together to provide management for this significant investment.

9. Our broad custodial reach is your opportunity. Absolute Capital works with most retirement plan providers across custodial platforms. Having a partner with broad reach and keen insight can help you find a broader array of opportunities and say yes to the management of far more accounts.

10. Expand and deepen client relationships today. Join Absolute Capital to deepen your client relationships and build new client relationships by incorporating workplace retirement account management into your offerings. It’s easy to get started. Call Absolute Capital today at 1-888-388-8303.


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