Jack Dorsey Follows Elon Musk in Dropping CEO Title (For Something Ridiculous)

(TheStreet) - Twitter's fate may be hanging in the balance. No longer is the description "chief executive officer" or "chief financial officer" enough to indicate power, prestige and hierarchical standing. Elon Musk -- of course -- got the thing started last year when he officially changed his title at Tesla  (TSLA) - Get Tesla Inc Report as well as that of the EV maker’s chief financial officer.

Inflation may be burning up the charts.

Twitter's  (TWTR) - Get Twitter, Inc. Report fate may be hanging in the balance. 

The world may be lurching towards a once unthinkable confrontation between the East and the West.

But for hipster executives atop noteworthy companies, the important thing is to have the right job title.

No longer is the description “chief executive officer” or “chief financial officer” enough to indicate power, prestige and hierarchical standing.

If you’re really at the top, you’ve got to be able to flaunt convention and set yourself apart from the crowd with a truly unique label.

Musk's Ambitions to Royalty

Elon Musk -- of course -- got the thing started last year when he officially changed his title at Tesla  (TSLA) - Get Tesla Inc Report as well as that of the EV maker’s chief financial officer.

Tesla said on March 15, 2021, in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that “Effective as of March 15, 2021, the titles of Elon Musk and Zach Kirkhorn have changed to Technoking of Tesla and Master of Coin, respectively.”

The company was quick to add, however, that “Elon and Zach will also maintain their respective positions as Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.”

Zuck's Take

Mark Zuckerberg took the concept in a different direction. 

Zuckerberg famously set himself apart from Wall Street by wearing hoodies to business meetings when Facebook was getting ready for its IPO. About $500 billion of market cap later, all of that youthful brashness has long since been forgiven or forgotten. 

But when things started to heat up more recently over how much Facebook’s business model relies on algorithms that amplify disinformation and conspiracy theories, Zuckerberg latched onto a clever idea.

He just changed the company’s name. And not just to any name, but something obscure and difficult to explain: Meta. 

It proved to be an inspired choice. As the world continues to struggle to understand and explain what the heck the metaverse is -- virtual hyperware perhaps? -- the distraction and confusion have helped to diffuse much of the vitriol that was being aimed at the company.

By Tom Bemis
April 23, 2022


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