A bigger question is: How much is cash costing your clients? In the short term, the opportunity cost is very little. On average, cash only underperforms the stock market by 8% over one-year periods. But the differential increases exponentially over time.
USA Financial continues to put out great video materials that educate advisors and clients alike on what's really going on in the economy. This one is especially good, focusing on the challenge the Fed faces in fighting against the larger headwind in order to finally get inflation under control.
Want to know exactly how Dean Zayed allocates every precious minute of a prospect meeting? Now you can structure the "show and tell" a lot more efficiently. Go back to school and make those first impressions count
“I provide the experience and personalized advice and the Dynamic team takes care of the rest, handling investment management services, compliance and back-office support. Dynamic provides the purchasing power, leading-edge technology tools and extensive investment research.”
With access to Halo’s easy-to-use structured notes tool, Registered Investment Advisors can more efficiently deploy and manage structured note exposure to client portfolios and model programs.
Are you engaging in "emotional hijacking?" A career coach recently laid out the skill building needed to recalibrate and navigate the emotions of others, not to mention effective relationship management. Watch and learn.
While U.S. reliance on fossil fuels is a highly debated topic, it’s difficult to argue that climate change and lack of diversification in energy generation is affecting the financial resilience of utility companies and is an important consideration for investors.