AAMA: Are The Bubbles Behind Us?
Many aggressive asset classes are now priced in line with their fundamentals or even at a discount, but the lost wealth will sting for some time.
Many aggressive asset classes are now priced in line with their fundamentals or even at a discount, but the lost wealth will sting for some time.
If staying the course is the recommendation, how can investors commit more capital when uncertainty is so high and trailing returns are depressed?
When investors desperately need a way to hedge equity risk, their most reliable tool is still broken: bonds. Conditions just aren't supportive.
CANZ is shorthand for copper, aluminum, nickel and zinc: four of the world’s most important industrial metals. It's worth watching how they move.
Demand destruction in Germany points to further supply chain disruptions and motivate new asset allocation decisions for global investors.
The only good news in all of this is that historically difficult markets tend to be very good for the relative performance of value investment styles.
SMID caps are generally less covered by analysts, less liquid, and generally more volatile in the short and medium term than large caps.